A vast number of elements combine to make an institution unique. AECS-3, Mumbai is a premier institute governed by the Atomic Energy Education Society, an autonomous body under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India, and located at the Anushaktinagar. Atomic Energy Central School-3, Mumbai is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education and has classes from Pre-Prep to Class X. It is dedicated to impart education to the wards of DAE employees residing in and around New Mandala at Anushaktinagar. We also enrol 25% of the students in Class I as part of the RTE mandate for economically less advantaged members of society. Education is the modification of behavior through acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, etiquette, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, discussion and directed research, innovation, etc. including assessment process. Following aspects sets Atomic Energy Central School-3, Mumbai apart among other Educational institutions
Academic excellence:
Well Planned Academic system brings excellent results in AISSE Class X Board exams of CBSE.
Students are well trained to participate in Academic Quiz and Science Quiz conducted by AEES and other institutions like Nehru Science Centre, VVM , JSO & MO etc.
Students also encouraged to participate in Maths Talent Exam and Heritage Quiz conducted by CBSE.
Learning Mechanism:
- Well defined learning and assessment process, informed to all stake holders in advance.
- Regular feature of MCQ Test refreshes teachers and learners on the extent of learning.
- Classroom interaction of teachers with students, supported with tutorial class for individual attention makes learners confident
- 40 minutes are allotted for each period for a class to suit the optimum attention-span of students.
- Regular follow up of learning by respective subject teacher.
The school is equipped with fully furnished and spacious class rooms
The school has well equipped Science Laboratory where the students are shown demonstation of the experiments and are also encouraged to conduct some experiments on their own
The school has a well equipped Computer Laboratory with Internet where the students attend computer practical classes
In the Audio-Video Room the students are shown videos of some concepts of academic interest.
The school also has K-Yan, an Audio-Visual Tool, which is used by teachers regularly as a teaching aid to show videos of interest in their respective classrooms itself
The library in the school is well-equipped with around more than 10,000 books and periodicals and it has a spacious reading room
The school has spacious playground.
Campus has 24x7 surveillance by CCTV cameras and Security Personnel
Adaptability to New Challenges
Under the lockdown situation, that arose due to the prevention of the spread of COVID-19, online system of learning started from the 1st of April 2020 to avoid academic loss to the students
The teachers also conduct regular assessment using Online tools
Contact Free Sanitize dispensers are installed to ensure safety and hygiene of all members in view of COVID-19 situation.